Australia the only country that occupies an entire continent. The sixth largest in the world, it is one of the most interesting places on the planet. Some interesting facts: “Since some of the largest cities in the country, Sydney and Melbourne, could not figure out which one should be the capital, the choice fell on the much smaller Canberra.”

It is located almost halfway between Sydney and Melbourne. – The largest pasture / ranch in the world is located in the country. It has an area as large as the whole of Belgium. – It is established that the cleanest air in the world is in Tasmania – one of the states in the Australian continent. – The largest sand island in the world is also located in Australia.

Australia sweet pink lake Hillier
Australia sweet pink lake Hillier

It is called Fraser and is 120 kilometers long. The kangaroo and the emut cannot walk backwards. This is one of the reasons they are a national symbol and are depicted on the coat of arms of Australia. “There are three times as many sheep in Australia as there are people.” – The most toxic continent in the world. Countless unique animal species are poisonous and so it can be said that if you leave this continent alive, it would be great luck